Thursday 8 November 2012

FYP Presentation day(WEEK 14)

Alhamdulillah,today's presentation was done successfully.Although receive too much question from Miss Noey,i answered all of them without hesitate and full of confidence.Scared actually when heard that Miss Noey will assess my FYP but i mantain to stay calm.However,there is also fun part about my FYP presentation today where another my assesor,Sir Razif made some good humour.There is a part when we talk so much and he started to bored,he will make funny face and looked aroud him.And then when we just stop to make sure he is focusing on what we want to tell,he just say "ok,next".He also did not notify the poster that we put  on the wall eventhough we keep telling him and showing him about our poster.When he moved to the next booth besides us,then........ he notify the poster(=.=").As for i remember,he just assess us for about 5minutes.Sir Razif sure a funny man,although finished at our booth and went to the next booth,he still questioning us although we have already tell him the answer.(Sir y u no focus =.=").However,thanks to both of them for assessing us and give good feedback.  :)

This is our first assessor,Sir Razif.

Second assessor,Miss Noey.

Last but not least,thanks to my advisor ,Miss Nurul Fazlin binti Roslan for her hardwork ,trying to keep us on the track.Thanks because stay patient with our lazy and ignorant behaviour.Sorry for all our mistakes and we will learn from that.Thank you Miss.. :)

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Preparing for the FYP Presentation(WEEK 14)

Tomorrow is my big day,which is my FYP Presentation Day.Held on Level 4 starting from 9.00am until 5.00pm.For the preparation,we need to wear a formal clothing and tight in.We also prepare a slide show and a video about swimming pool alarm for the assesors.Besides that,our booth will have a brochure and the poster about our FYP.

For the incoming question from the assesor,this night we do some research about the circuit,including the function of the components,circuit connections and others that have to do with the project.We also practising on introducing ourselves,training on answering possible question that assesor might ask,and also try to gain confidence for tomorrow presentation.

However,we will try to get enough sleep so tomorrow,we will be full of energy and more confidence facing the assesors.

Monday 5 November 2012

Making a Poster (WEEK 14)

For the FYP poster,we have create a draft of it and email to miss Nurul Fazlin,our advisor.The poster have a background of blue colour to indicate water of swimming pool.The poster include of INTRODUCTION, AIM and OBJECTIVE,METHODOLOGY,DIAGRAM,ADVANTAGES and RESULT.This is our draft of FYP poster.

After that,we have receive feedback from miss,and the OFFICIAL FYP POSTER for our project are look like this:

Friday 2 November 2012

Finishing the Swimming Pool Alarm(WEEK 13)

After the failure of making the circuit fully working,we have decided to move on to finishing the model of the project.We have buy 3 sugar paper(1 yellow paper,2 black paper),glu,double tape,boxes,cellotape and knife.For the swimming pool, we just use a small size container that we got from our home.

This model include a base,a swimming pool,fences and house.It takes 5hour to complete the construction of the model.Me and Fikri construct this model at my house.Although we didnt have much time,we manage to complete it in short duration of time.The house also looking good.The sensor also suit the swimming pool.The combination of the yellow and black colour paper bright up more the model.

After finish all the cutting,combining, and attaching the parts,the completed model look like this:

Although this model does not look very attractive,but we quite happy for this model.The yellow colour really will attract people.