Friday 2 November 2012

Finishing the Swimming Pool Alarm(WEEK 13)

After the failure of making the circuit fully working,we have decided to move on to finishing the model of the project.We have buy 3 sugar paper(1 yellow paper,2 black paper),glu,double tape,boxes,cellotape and knife.For the swimming pool, we just use a small size container that we got from our home.

This model include a base,a swimming pool,fences and house.It takes 5hour to complete the construction of the model.Me and Fikri construct this model at my house.Although we didnt have much time,we manage to complete it in short duration of time.The house also looking good.The sensor also suit the swimming pool.The combination of the yellow and black colour paper bright up more the model.

After finish all the cutting,combining, and attaching the parts,the completed model look like this:

Although this model does not look very attractive,but we quite happy for this model.The yellow colour really will attract people.

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